Update progress

Hello everyone its been some time sence i said something here soo i want to update yall on eveyrthing i added soo far:
1.Killcam changes

-Killcam now focuses on you insteed of the enemy player

-New effects for Killcam + distorted sound effects

2.Voicelines(BOT and Player voiceliness for actions like: spawning,geting hit,death)

3.2 new weapons (Ak-47 (animated by GameDistrict) and Desert Eagle)

4.New effects (blood effect now spawns a blood decal on the floor/wall)

5.Sound desing(the audio now properly checks distance from player and increases the volume the closer they are)

-Also comes with a lot of small sounds that give the game more polished look(button clicks,crouch sound,standing sound, aim sound etc)

-As well as new sounds for:slide,killing,damaging,falling etc

6.New Scene looks (improved post procesing  and some scene atmosphere have been changed completly) 

7.UI rework (Main menu UI (has been done by GameDistrict) and in game UI)

8.Bug fixes

-Granade woud not one shot the player no matter where he was standing

-Slowly sliping from the edge of the map woud cause the game to teleport you to the ground reciveing no damage

-Changing the Weapon FOV woud cause the Aimed weapon to get distanced making it harder to use

-Low framerate jiter/constantly falling

-Weapons woud not cast a corect game world shadow(they woudnt revice one either)

-Player can now iteract with rigidbodys

9.Anouncer (saying the game mode, how much time is left of a match, who won the match,if you are the host starting a server and automatchmaking)

Thats all enjoy :D


Project S.W.A.T PE.apk 3.3 GB
Nov 05, 2022


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